国際刑事裁判所(ICC)と日本 [はてな版]



イメージ 1ICC-CPI書記局の発表によると、南アフリカ選出のナヴァネセム・ピッライ(Navanethem PILLAY)判事(写真)が辞意を表明されました。ピッライ判事の辞任は、国連の潘基文事務総長により、国連人権高等弁務官への就任を正式に要請され、これを国連総会が承認したことを受けての判断でした。ピッライ判事はこの任命を受けて、今年9月1日付けで国連人権高等弁務官に就任します。前任のルイーズ・アルブール(Louise Arbour)氏が今年6月で任期終了のため、後任人事としてピッライ判事に白羽の矢が立ったということになります。




南アフリカ選出の上訴裁判部判事、ナヴァネセム・ピッライ(Navanethem PILLAY)氏は30日、8月31日をもって国際刑事裁判所(ICC)判事の職を辞する意向を同裁判所のフィリップ・キルシュ所長に伝えた。ピッライ判事は所長に宛てられた辞表に、国連の潘基文事務総長に人権高等弁務官に任命され、これが7月28日の国連総会で承認されたことを辞任の理由として示した。



原文:Resignation of Judge Navanethem Pillay

The Hague, 30 July 2008


Judge Navanethem Pillay has resigned from the International Criminal Court (ICC) effective 31 August 2008.  In her letter tendering her resignation to the President of the ICC, Judge Philippe Kirsch, Judge Pillay indicated that her appointment by the UN Secretary-General to the position of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights was endorsed and approved by the UN General Assembly on 28 July 2008. 

The Presidency congratulated Judge Pillay on her forthcoming appointment, thanked her for her contributions to the ICC and expressed the ICC’s regret at her departure.

The Presidency informed the President of the Assembly of States Parties, H.E. Mr. Bruno Stagno Ugarte, of Judge Pillay’s resignation.  Judge Pillay was elected in 2003 for a term of six years.  In accordance with article 37 of the Rome Statute, the Assembly of States Parties will elect six new judges to fill the vacancies left by judges who were initially elected for a six-year, non-renewable term, among them Judge Pillay.  The election will take place in January 2009 in New York.

Judge Pillay has served as a Judge of the Appeals Division since 2003. Her replacement in the Appeals Division will be announced by the Presidency in due course.  