国際刑事裁判所(ICC)と日本 [はてな版]





国際刑事裁判所ICC)は8日、フランス選出の予審裁判部判事、クロード・ジョルダ(Claude Jorda)氏が正式に辞意を表明したことを発表した。裁判所長会議が正式に受理したと発表した。ジョルダ氏の辞任理由は健康上の理由で、業務の続行が難しいと判断されたためと思われる。

旧ユーゴスラビア国際刑事裁判所の元判事でもあるジョルダ判事は予審裁判部門第一予審裁判部(PTC I)の裁判長を務め、コンゴ民主共和国武装勢力コンゴ愛国者解放戦線(FPLC)の司令官トマ・ルバンガ被疑者(46)に対する公判の開始を発表した人物でもある。


原文:Resignation of Judge Claude Jorda

The Hague, 8 May 2007


Judge Claude Jorda has submitted his resignation from the International Criminal Court (ICC) for reasons of permanent ill-health.  His resignation will take effect on 12 August 2007.

The President of the ICC, Judge Philippe Kirsch, expressed the great regret of the Court at Judge Jorda’s departure.  He thanked Judge Jorda for his service and for his commitment to fulfilling his obligations before leaving the Court.

Judge Jorda is assigned to the Pre-Trial Division and is a member of Pre-Trial Chamber I.  He served as presiding judge in the case of the Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, including through the first confirmation of charges in a case before the Court.  Before his election to the ICC, Judge Jorda served as judge and President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

President Kirsch informed the President of the Bureau of the Assembly of States Parties, H.E. Bruno Stagno Ugarte, of Judge Jorda’s resignation.  In accordance with article 37 of the Rome Statute, the Assembly of States Parties will elect a judge to fill the vacancy left by Judge Jorda’s resignation.  