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Asian NGOs to discuss ICC
National News - Tuesday, May 08, 2007
JAKARTA: The Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) and Forum Asia and its Indonesian partners launched an Asia Strategy Meeting on Monday to share strategies, define targets and set campaign goals for the ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute, the Court's founding treaty, in the region.
The meeting will be held at Santika Hotel until Wednesday with more than 20 CICC members from 16 countries in Asia taking part, the organizer said in a media statement Monday.
A public seminar on the International Criminal Court will also be held Wednesday, with participation from several government agencies, lawmakers, civil society groups, media representatives and other relevant actors expected.
The ICC is the fist permanent judicial institution with the capacity to prosecute individuals accused of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Currently 104 states around the world have ratified or acceded to the Rome Statute. Asia remains the most underrepresented region at the ICC, with only Afghanistan, Cambodia, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea and Timor Leste as States Parties to the Court. -- JP
出典:ジャカルタポスト(2007年5月8日)JAKARTA: The Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) and Forum Asia and its Indonesian partners launched an Asia Strategy Meeting on Monday to share strategies, define targets and set campaign goals for the ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute, the Court's founding treaty, in the region.
The meeting will be held at Santika Hotel until Wednesday with more than 20 CICC members from 16 countries in Asia taking part, the organizer said in a media statement Monday.
A public seminar on the International Criminal Court will also be held Wednesday, with participation from several government agencies, lawmakers, civil society groups, media representatives and other relevant actors expected.
The ICC is the fist permanent judicial institution with the capacity to prosecute individuals accused of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Currently 104 states around the world have ratified or acceded to the Rome Statute. Asia remains the most underrepresented region at the ICC, with only Afghanistan, Cambodia, Mongolia, the Republic of Korea and Timor Leste as States Parties to the Court. -- JP