国際刑事裁判所(ICC)と日本 [はてな版]





今回の視察は、ICCとICRCの間で締結された協定( “Agreement between the International Criminal Court and the International Committee of the Red Cross on Visits to Persons Deprived of Liberty Pursuant to the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court”国際刑事裁判所と国際赤十字委員会の間で交わされた国際刑事裁判所管轄権内にある自由を剥奪された個人との会見を認める協定)に基づいて行わた。この視察は、ICCのブルーノ・カターラ書記官との会合、拘置センター全体の完全な視察と、被拘留者との個人インタビューも含む「包括的視察」に分類されました。二日間の日程を終えたのち、視察団は書記官と最終会談を行い、指摘事項や勧告を行った。


The International Committee of the Red Cross paid first visit to the Detention Centre of the International Criminal Court

The Hague, 29 June 2006


On 28 and 29 June 2006, the ICRC paid its first visit to the Detention Centre of the International Criminal Court. 

In accordance with Article 7 of the “Agreement between the International Criminal Court and the International Committee of the Red Cross on Visits to Persons Deprived of Liberty Pursuant to the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court” the visit was classified as a ‘complete visit’ which included an initial meeting with the Registrar of the Court, Mr Bruno Cathala, a complete tour of the Detention centre and private interviews with persons detained at the ICC Detention Centre. 

At the end of the two-day visit, the delegation held its final meeting with the Registrar, during which the delegates orally submitted their findings and recommendations.

As the ICRC is an independent and neutral institution, the ICRC visit is humanitarian and aims at ensuring that all detained persons are treated humanely and in conformity with widely accepted international standards governing the treatment of persons deprived of their liberty.
