国際刑事裁判所(ICC)と日本 [はてな版]



イメージ 1




“An integral part of justice is that it is seen to be done.  The ICC, its role and its activities must be understood”


“Our experience over the past year has reinforced the importance of cooperation to the Court (…) the Court has arrest warrants outstanding  The Court does not have the power to arrest these persons. That is the responsibility of States and other actors. Without arrests, there can be no trials”



ICC President, Judge Philippe Kirsch, addresses United Nations General Assembly

The Hague, 9 October 2006


On 9 October 2005, the President of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Judge Philippe Kirsch presented the second annual Report of the ICC to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. President Kirsch addressed the General Assembly about the Court activities during 2005-2006.

President Kirsch provided an update on where the Court stands today. He described current judicial proceedings as well as the Court’s activities in the field. President Kirsch underlined the importance of outreach to local populations: “An integral part of justice is that it is seen to be done. The ICC, its role and its activities must be understood”, he stated.

He also highlighted the importance of cooperation to the Court being able to carry out its functions. In particular, he mentioned that it is up to States and international organizations to arrest persons for whom warrants have been issued: “Our experience over the past year has reinforced the importance of cooperation to the Court (…) the Court has arrest warrants outstanding The Court does not have the power to arrest these persons. That is the responsibility of States and other actors. Without arrests, there can be no trials”, he stated.

The Court is independent from the UN. In accordance with the Relationship Agreement concluded between the two institutions in 2004, the Court submits an annual report of its activities to the UN. The President’s previous address to the General Assembly took place on 8 November 2005.