ワサーナの報告の概要としては、少なくとも協議の場で、武力紛争における子ども兵の問題担当国連事務総長特別代理のRadhika Coomaraswamy氏、人権NGO『Watchlist for Children and Armed Conflict』の代表でありコンゴ民主共和国(DRC)で活動を展開するNGO『WITNESS』の「AJEDI-Ka/Project Child Soldiers」プロジェクト部長でもあるBukeni Beck氏の両名は、「子どもの人権侵害行為について国際刑事裁判所(ICC)が効果的な役割を果たすだろう」とICCに対する期待を顕にしました。また、ペルー、ガーナ、ギリシャ、フランス、カナダ、スロベニア、ブラジル、ベナンの8カ国がICCについてその発言の中で言及したそうです。
Dear All: On 24 July 2006, the French Presidency of the Security Council convened a ministerial meeting on Children and Armed Conflict. Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children in Armed Conflict, and Mr. Bukeni Beck, representative from the Watchlist for Children and Armed Conflict and Director of AJEDI-Ka/Project Child Soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo, both stressed the ability of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to effectively address violations of children's rights. Several states also made explicit references to the ICC, including Peru, Ghana, Greece, France, Canada, Slovenia, made on behalf of the Human Security Network, Brazil and Benin (in the order of their statements). Excerpts of the statements are below. The meeting's full transcript is accessible at: http://www.un.org/Depts/dhl/resguide/scact2006.htm. Thanks to Zoe Young, CICC intern, for following the debate and compiling the statements. --- Wasana Punyasena Legal Officer Coalition for the International Criminal Court