国際刑事裁判所(ICC)と日本 [はてな版]



国連事務総長特別代理 Radhika Coomaraswamy女史
■国連ペルー政府審議官 Romy Tincopa女史
■国連ガーナ政府次席代表 Leslie Kojo Christian大使
■国連ギリシャ政府常駐代表 Adamantios Th. Telalian大使
■国連フランス政府常駐代表 Jean-Marc de la Sabli??re大使

Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Under Secretary-General, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children in Armed Conflict
"[W]e are encouraged that other destinations for action - the Human Rights Commission and the International Criminal Court - are addressing the issue of violations of children's rights in conflict in an effective manner."

Ms. Romy Tincopa, Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of Peru to the UN
"Those responsible for grave abuses against children should be brought to justice. In that regard, I would like to highlight the case of Thomas Lubanga, arrested by the International Criminal Court last March for recruiting and using boys and girls as soldiers in the hostilities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. That case represents important action taken against those responsible for such acts."

H.E. Ambassador Leslie Kojo Christian, Deputy Permanent Representative of Ghana to the UN
"In cases where the national legal system fails, the international community has the duty to apply the full range of available judicial mechanisms. In that respect, we consider the investigations already underway at the International Criminal Court (ICC) as positive developments."

H.E. Ambassador Adamantios Th. Telalian, Permanent Representative of Greece to the UN
"Those responsible for serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law committed against children should be brought to justice, in order to secure justice and dignity for victims. In that respect, we would like to emphasize that the ongoing investigations of the International Criminal Court can play a crucial role in dealing with accountability for international crimes against children."

H.E. Ambassador Mr. Jean-Marc de la Sabli??re, Permanent Representative of France to the UN
"Today we have all the instruments needed to combat the scourge. First, precise standards exist, specifically the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Second Optional Protocol, as well as the Rome Statute. [.] Fourthly, impunity is shrinking for those who perpetrate crimes against children. The arrest of Thomas Lubanga and his transfer to the International Criminal Court has made an impression, with good reason."