記事によると、問題の法案には拘留者のhabeas corpus(人身保護請求権)を否定する規定が盛り込まれており、これは今年6月に連邦最高裁が出した、「各連邦裁には、拘留者による訴え、拘留の合法性およびその取扱いの適切さなどについて審理する権限を持つ」(Hamdan対Rumsfeld裁判)とする判決に反するというもの。この人身保護請求権を認めない問題の条文は法案の第6章にあり、この規定はグアンタナモ収容所の拘留者のみならず、大統領により「敵性戦闘員」として認定されたすべての国外抑留者に対して適用される。
that forgotten in this removal of habeas petitions are "the vast majority of the detainees who have never been charged, and most likely never will be charged. These detainees... will continue to be held as 'enemy combatants.' It is critical to these detainees, who have not been charged with any crime, that Congress not strip the courts of (jurisdiction) to hear their... habeas cases (which) are the only avenue open for them to challenge their detention (as they face) potentially life imprisonment."
that forgotten in this removal of habeas petitions are "the vast majority of the detainees who have never been charged, and most likely never will be charged. These detainees... will continue to be held as 'enemy combatants.' It is critical to these detainees, who have not been charged with any crime, that Congress not strip the courts of (jurisdiction) to hear their... habeas cases (which) are the only avenue open for them to challenge their detention (as they face) potentially life imprisonment."
中間選挙が迫っている現在、この人身保護請求権の停止という法の一大事について、その話を持ち上げようとする候補者すら出てくる様子はない。候補者もその後援者も、この事実を完全に黙殺するつもりでいる。しかしここに至り、9名の元連邦判事(内1名は元CIAおよび元FBI長官のWilliam Sessions氏)が立ち上がり、連邦議会に対して訴えかけた。その書簡で、9名の判事はこのように述べているという。
"that without habeas petitions, how will the judiciary ensure that "Executive detentions are not grounded on torture"? The judges also remind Congress that the writ of habeas corpus has been suspended only four times in our history -- and then, the Constitution states, only in "Cases of Rebellion or Invasion (when) the public Safety may require it.")
To be sure, Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas during the horrors of the Civil War; but in 1866, the Supreme Court declared that action unconstitutional because the civilian courts were still open during the war
So, if this suspension becomes law, say these deeply concerned retired federal judges, "there will be protracted legislation for years to come" -- and many detainees may never experience justice.
"that without habeas petitions, how will the judiciary ensure that "Executive detentions are not grounded on torture"? The judges also remind Congress that the writ of habeas corpus has been suspended only four times in our history -- and then, the Constitution states, only in "Cases of Rebellion or Invasion (when) the public Safety may require it.")
To be sure, Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas during the horrors of the Civil War; but in 1866, the Supreme Court declared that action unconstitutional because the civilian courts were still open during the war
So, if this suspension becomes law, say these deeply concerned retired federal judges, "there will be protracted legislation for years to come" -- and many detainees may never experience justice.
かつて、連邦最高裁長官のJohn Marshalが宣言、そして警告したように、
as Chief Justice John Marshall declared, and warned, "ours is a government of laws, not men." Having certainly acted on principle in putting the president on the defensive, McCain and Warner should now stand up for "the 'Great Writ.'"
as Chief Justice John Marshall declared, and warned, "ours is a government of laws, not men." Having certainly acted on principle in putting the president on the defensive, McCain and Warner should now stand up for "the 'Great Writ.'"
記事によると、かつて合衆国建国の父の1人であるThomas Jeffersonは、憲法の草案作成の際、人身保護請求権の停止を認める条文を含めることにすら反対した。その理由は、「常習的に行われるやもしれない」ということだった。
上下両院の議会を支配し、圧倒的な影響力を持つブッシュ大統領がなぜこの法案に対して拒否権を発動しなかったのか、その背景が見えてきました。この記事が暗に指摘しているのは、大統領と中核議員の間でなんらかの取引がなされ、人身保護請求権の停止を認める条項について黙認することが密かに決定されていたということでしょう。しかし結果的にはこの法案が議会を通過したとしても、記事が指摘するように最高裁によって違憲判決を受けて廃案に追い込まれる可能性もあります。そうなると、この法案の立案責任者らは一体何の目的でこのような法案を強硬に支持し、ブッシュ政権に対する反旗を翻したのでしょうか。単なる政治ショーにしても、手が込みすぎていますよね・・。背景記事:与党重鎮が大統領に反旗 特別軍事法廷設置で