国際刑事裁判所(ICC)と日本 [はてな版]




国内でもこの件について続々と続報が入ってきていますが、メーリングリストを介して現地マニラ中心地の法律事務所で働く同志とつい先ほど(3:03 pm)連絡がとれたので現地の生の情報を皆さんにお伝えします(但し安全のため匿名としておきます)。とりあえず、現在は無事の模様です。

From: xxxxxxxxxx <xxxxxxxx@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:03 pm

some of us are already taking to the streets. but the police and the military are quick to launch dispersal attacks. The President has declared a state of emergency but it looks like how they intend to implement it smacks of Martial Law -- the Justice Secretary is talking of a takeover of public utilities and a spokesman has discussed on public television the inevitability of the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus. What is clear for now is that the military is still divided. Authorities haven't released the names of the suspected plotters because a loyalty check is still being made. The next 24 hours could be crucial. pray for us.
