国際刑事裁判所(ICC)と日本 [はてな版]



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1. 午前の全体会議の様子の180度パノラマ写真
2. アジア太平洋地域政府・NGO非公式会合に全員出席で望んだ日本政府代表団
3. 日本代表団の団長を務め積極的にオープンに発言した岡野国際法課長
4. 発言する中国の政府代表団(NGOの人間も入れて3名で出席)
5. JNICC提案に肯定的にコメントしてくれたロジャー・クラーク教授
6. おそらく至上初参加だったフィリピン政府代表
7. 今年批准を控えるインドネシアNGO代表(右隣の女性は中国NGO代表)


(ハーグ 14日)第7回国際刑事裁判所ICC)締約国会議(ASP)の初日、午後1時から2時間、CICC(国際刑事裁判所を求める国際NGO連合)の企画により、恒例の「アジア太平洋地域政府・NGO非公式会合」が開催されました。アジア太平洋地域から約10カ国の人間が参加したのですが、何しろ会議初日ですから準備不足が目立ちました。




(The Hague, 14 November 2008) The Japanese Network for the International Criminal Court (JNICC) was very encouraged when Japan acceded to the Rome Statute expressing support for international justice. The Japanese government soon after further advanced in its commitment by providing encouragement to neighboring countries still working toward ratification and nominating a distinguished diplomat in human rights to serve in the ICC judiciary. We also would like to congratulate the successful election of Judge Fumiko Saiga and look forward to witness her work in the Court in the following years.

JNICC also congratulates and welcome the election of the Japanese government to the Board of the Bureau of the Assembly of States Parties and thus under this new consolidated position, urges to further move forward by providing stronger support in all aspects of the work of the ICC, in cooperation with, the governance of, and the finance of the Court and relevant organs of the Court, including the Court's increased budget as recommended by the Committee on Budget and Finance, and assistance to Trust Fund for Victims.

We deem these aspects especially important as the ASP will be holding the Review Conference in early 2010 and faces more pressures and increased mandate. It has been an agreed notion of both the civil societies and several parliamentarians in Japan that Japan as the only victim of the dropping of atomic bombs on the lands of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, should propose the inclusion of a provision to prohibit the use and threat of use of nuclear weapons as an element of the list of crimes under the Rome Statute. 

JNICC will urge Japan to include this proposal in the coming Review Conference so as to play an active role in not only stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons but also in facilitating a framework to criminalize the use of nuclear weapons under the new independent judicial institution that Japan has recently become a party to.

その場で政府代表団から回答を得ることはできませんでしたが、(4)については列席した参加者、特にサモア政府特別代表で侵略の罪に関する権威である米ルトガー大学法学部教授のロジャー・クラーク(Prof. Roger S. Clark)氏、フィリピンICCNGO連合共同代表となった元フィリピン下院議員のロレッタ・ロザレス(Loretta Ann P. Rosales)女史などは、「十分検討に値する案だ」と評価してくださいました。

日本政府にどの程度の効果があったかは未知数ですが、この会議の後の午後の一般討論(General Debate)で日本政府は、予算についてはこう述べるに留まりました。(実際の政府ステートメントからの転記)少しは事前のけん制の効果があったのかもしれません。

"Every international organization must have its management and budgetary aspects thoroughly scrutinized and examined, and the ICC is no exception in this regards. Given the limited financial resources available, and in view of the current status of global economy which is said to be facing the second largest, or perhaps the worst financial crisis, we need to face the difficult but unavoidable task of deciding to what extent we can afford to provide."

