国際刑事裁判所(ICC)と日本 [はてな版]



http://www.icc-cpi.int/library/cases/c0106_intro.jpg トマ・ルバンガ氏【奥】と公選弁護人のジャン・フラーム氏【手前】


(ハーグ 24日)国際刑事裁判所ICC-CPI)の書記局によると、コンゴ民主共和国(DRC)で児童の強制徴用などを行った罪で起訴されている武装勢力(FPLC)の元司令官、トマ・ルバンガ氏の容疑を確認する公開審問について、近く判断が下される。ICCの第一予審法廷(PTC I)は、2007年1月29日午後3時から公聴会を開きこの発表を行う予定。同法廷裁判長のクロード・ジョルダ判事(フランス選出)により、同法廷の判断の要旨が読み上げられる。この判断は2006年11月9日から28日までの期間、被害者、被疑者、検察及び弁護側同席のもと行われたルバンガ氏に対する公開審問に基づくもの。

(i) 15歳未満の児童に協力させた罪
(ii) 15最未満の児童を徴兵した罪
(iii) 15歳未満の児童を戦闘行為に利用した罪

これらの罪に対し、PTC Iが下す可能性のある判断として以下の4つが想定される。

Decision on the Confirmation of Charges Hearing

The Hague, 24 January 2007


Situation: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Case: Prosecutor v. Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo

On Monday 29 January, at 3 p.m. Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court will hold a public hearing in The Hague to render its decision regarding the charges presented by the Prosecutor in the case of Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo. 

During the hearing the presiding judge, Claude Jorda will read a summary of the Chamber’s decision. The decision will be the result of the Chamber’s deliberations after the confirmation of charges hearing held on 9 to 28 November, 2006, in the presence of the Prosecutor, the suspect and his counsel and the representatives of the victims in the case.

Mr Lubanga Dyilo was charged by the Prosecutor on the basis of individual criminal responsibility with three war crimes: (i) enlisting children under the age of fifteen, (ii) conscripting children under the age of fifteen and (iii) using children under the age of fifteen to participate actively in hostilities.

There are several possibilities as to what decision the Pre-Trial Chamber will render. The Pre-Trial Chamber can:

    * Confirm the charges for which it has found sufficient evidence in which the case will proceed to trial. Upon confirmation, the Presidency of the Court will constitute a Trial Chamber responsible for subsequent proceedings.
    * Refuse to confirm charges for which it has not found sufficient evidence. That decision does not prevent the Prosecutor from presenting a subsequent request for confirmation of the charges on the basis of additional evidence.
    * Adjourn the hearing and request the Prosecutor to provide further evidence or conduct further investigations.
    * Adjourn the hearing and request the Prosecutor to amend a charge if the evidence appears to establish a different crime than the one charged.